Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Summer Catch Up

Yes, I am aware that I dropped off the face of the blogging world again this year.  At least I'm consistent. :)  

To those of you who may be wondering how the rest of my summer turned out I'll give you a few highlights via pictures...

A group from Lincoln Ave Baptist came for a week long river and rock trip.  Here we are on the Arkansas. 
Jeanne Marie and I packed a lot of stuff into the Explorer so we camp out for the night.  
We camped at Hartman's Rock.  It was great to get away from Texas Creek for a few days.  The students also loved exploring the rock formations.  
We played in the water... a lot.
Some of us were forced more than others...
We hung out with the one and only "Pee Rock"
We tried on some of Cori's dresses and took model shots.
An extreme water fight happened.  (I chose to stay dry... it was cold...)
Black Widow spiders really do live in Colorado.  This one was found near the boat house in an old dog dish.
And...... I got hit with a paddle.  Well, only my left pinky.

More rafting through the Gorge
Elise guided through the Gorge (except Sunshine Falls...)
We took a staff hiking trip up Mt. Princeton
Most of us made it to the top! And then napped.
Todd volunteered for a few weeks

We finally took a full staff picture.

Second Annual Bad Manners Night

Chaco tans after a summer in the sun. 
Steve bought a house
Dan tried to be a stow-away on our Green River trip. 
We had a motor for the Green River trip with AOI 
so we attached all the boats and barged our way down the river for the first day.  
Everyone on the trip got to try out the double duckies and they were all able to get through the rapids. 
We camped on wonderful sand beaches...
...Explored ancient ruins...
...And started training some guides for summer 2022 
They did a great job!

Audra and I went for a hike in Estes Park
Me and my trusty steed ventured across Colorado.
We stopped in Boulder...
...Grand Junction to visit Cori...
...Traveled over many passes that were just starting to turn colors for fall...
...And finally stopped to see Elise in Pagosa.

All in all, a good summer.  I hope these few images have caught you up to speed on my summer. There were a lot of ups and downs, but ultimately the summer was a learning experience for all of us.  It was the first summer for Journey Quest, my first summer as a raft guide, and a time of self growth.